
How do I become a member?

A member in good standing is anyone who is presently, or has been in the past, a rental property owner, rental property operator, or rental property manager shall be eligible to membership in the Association upon presentation of a written application to the Secretary and the payment of the Annual Dues.

Associate Membership in this Association shall be open to any individual, firm, or corporation who provides services and/or support or who is otherwise associated in any capacity whatsoever with the single or multi-family rental housing industry.

Special Membership: The Board shall have the right to confer Special Membership upon any individual, company, business, firm, or corporation under conditions established by the Board.

Sponsoring Membership shall be open to any entity wishing to advertise with our Association.

Have questions or ready to join? Contact us!


As a condition of membership, each member shall enter into an indemnification agreement, in which the member agrees to indemnify the Association for any damages suffered by the Association as a result of false or inaccurate information provided by the member.

Violation of the Code of Ethics

Resignation from the Association membership shall be in writing and/or verbal notification and shall be presented to the Secretary.

Upon determination by the Board of a suspected violation of the Code of Ethics, a due process hearing shall be held as determined by the Board. Upon the recommendation of the Board, a member may be suspended and/or dismissed for a violation of the Code of Ethics with the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of a meeting, a quorum being present.

You can find the code of ethics here.
