About Us

We are the Findlay Area Apartment Association, founded in 1997 by a group of property owners and landlords in Findlay, Ohio, seeking to share ideas, promote ethical standards, and provide additional value to the community through housing.

Current Officers
President: Russell Cunningham
Vice President: Ryan Moninger
Secretary/Treasurer: Katie Erickson


Our purpose is to collectively provide good value in rental housing. We work together in cooperation with tenants, elected officials, and city planning to provide value-added housing at fair market value. We encourage our members to maintain properties to a high standard that benefits the community and promotes Hancock County values. Our members adhere to the highest standards and code of ethics.

Code of Ethics

All members of the Association shall agree to observe and be bound by the following Code of Ethics:

Members shall constantly seek to provide better values, so that people may know and enjoy the benefits of rental housing living.

Members shall at all times contribute their knowledge in single and multi-family rental housing management to the best interest of those they serve.

Members shall not obtain any business by means of fraudulent statements or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability.

Members shall comply both in spirit and letter within rules and regulations prescribed by law and governmental agencies for health, safety, and progress of the community; with complete compliance with all Civil Rights Legislation being mandatory.

Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the single and multi-family rental housing industry.
